Jody Box
Jody Box
25 Years as a firefighter in Mountain Brook Retired as a Lieutenant Paramedic


USAW L1 in progress OPEX LearnRX classes Hands-on training

Pack Leader

Jody Box

I am married to my beautiful wife and pound athlete Lorie, and we have a wonderful 16-year-old daughter, Ashlyn. I have always wanted to coach so I am very thankful for this opportunity! I just retired from the fire department, so my life has always revolved around helping others, and coaching will help me continue to do that.

For years, I was against the "class" setting at the gym. I tried to work on my own, but after years of not getting the results I wanted, I went to a class with Lorie. I quickly realized I was wrong and soon joined the gym! We have worked out together for years and our fitness and marriage have never been stronger. I encourage everybody to give it a try. Fitness and life are better done in a group. I have met some lifelong friends thanks to group fitness.

My motivation is to help people feel more confident through fitness. Fitness is a journey so helping people take that next step is what drives me. Seeing someone get better and reach a goal...there is nothing better.